Editor’s Letter: A Reimagining for The Interlude
We’re back!
Dear Readers of The Interlude:
Notice anything different? Well, I sure hope so! After a few months of radio silence, I’m excited to bring you this brand smackin’ new reimagining of The Interlude.
First thing’s first: We are no longer on Medium. It was a great place for us to cut our teeth and find an audience, but we felt that it was time to move on. We needed our own URL (hello, theinterludemag.com!). We needed more customizable features. We needed to have a bigger space where we could grow. Leaving Medium has allowed us to expand and fully pursue a new creative vision that’s more true to us.
The Interlude has always been about providing opportunities for young women, people of color, and LGBT folks to produce stories they care about. Ever since we launched last June, our work has centered on intrepid reporting, pithy criticism, contemplative personal essays, and a few fun, just-for-the-hell-of-it pieces. Now — with our new website design, helmed by the ever brilliant Josh Magpantay — we’ll be able to reflect the quality and voice of our work visually.
The new Interlude is sharper, cleaner, and easier to use. It also comes with a crisp new color scheme, sleek typography, and textural art style. Dare I say, we’re a little obsessed. (Tag yourself as your favorite new Interlude color. I’m Lifestyle Mint.) Not only is our visual language more in line with the ethos behind The Interlude, it also allows our artists to really explore and amplify the reporting and essays our staff does so well. Journalism isn’t just about words — our art, graphics, SEO, social, and copy teams are what makes us shine. And I’m excited to let them experiment in creating cutting-edge work.
Finally, to fit more within this slower, but hopefully more thoughtful direction, we’ll be publishing stories in batches as we see fit. Expect more packages and features and less daily live blogs. All our old pieces will still be available on Medium, but if you go through our archive here, you might notice a few articles will have updated art in line with our new direction. Pretty exciting stuff!
I’m so excited for what’s next. Have tips, questions, comments? Email us at interludeeditors@gmail.com. Happy reading!
— Izzie Ramirez, founding editor